Monday, August 11, 2008

Chicago/Madison Vacation

I visited Chicago, IL and Madison, WI mid July with my beautiful girlfriend Kate. We had a blast (see above)! If you visit Chicago, go vegan for a day and eat at Handlebar Bar & Grill, The Chicago Diner, Karyn's Raw, and/or Karyn's Cooked. You should also check out Myopic Book Store and peruse their immense stacks of lovely used books. Then, swing by the Museum of Modern Art (my favorite museum on the trip). Lastly, DO NOT go to the touristy, over-priced Navy me.

(Karyn's Raw)

If you visit Madison, WI drop by Chris Dols and Brian Yencho's apartment. Chris is a card-carrying socialist with a purple dot on his lower leg. Brian is currently obtaining his PhD in Physics and growing his body hair.

Here's Chris:

Find him!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

glad you liked the windy apple! i'd love to hear some yarns about your time there. i've always wanted to go to karyn's raw. the MOMA chi-town is pretty sweet!