Friday, October 10, 2008

By you mean gay?

Yes I do because it is now legal for gay couples to get married in the state of Connecticut! The ruling officially goes into effect on Oct. 28th, and there will be no appeal. Oh...and Jodi Rell opposes the ruling (obviously), apparently she never listened to Pinkerton because "everyone's a little queer".

"The lawsuit was brought in 2004 after eight same-sex couples were denied marriage licenses and sued, saying their constitutional rights to equal protection and due process were violated."
[Read more]

I view this as a cause to celebrate for three reasons. First, I always believed gay couples should be allowed to get married and receive the same rights as straight people. The same straight people who could give two shits about the sanctity of marriage, getting divorced and re-married like it's going out of style. Second, I am a CT resident, born and raised, and I am proud to live in the third state to offer same-sex marriages. Hopefully this paves the way for more states to follow suit. Third, there are several wonderful people in my family that this affected for years. I can only imagine the happiness they are experiencing right now.

1 comment:

bless_cyborgs said...

The D & V celebration needs to begin pronto.

Thank you for calling me to let me know! I was totally out of the loop on this one. (Shame on me)